The Scheduled Enrolment Sync runs every hour on the hour for unit enrolments on Paradigm with the 

  • enrolment status of 'enrolled', 'confirmed', 'audit' or 'internal', 
  • a census date in the future, and
  • last modified date and time within the last 65 minutes.

It will only enrol new unit enrolments that are in scope.

The enrolment sync process checks and will notify the College Contact of the Moodle Connection if 

  1. the student cannot be found (the identifier is the ACT Student Number in the idnumber field on the user profile)
  2. if the Moodle course cannot be found
  3. the group cannot be found
  4. the student is enrolled in an incorrect group

To enable the Scheduled Enrolment Sync

1) Go to your Moodle connection settings and click on Edit

2) Tick yes for "Enable Enrolment Sync" and "Scheduled Enrolment Sync", then click submit.

Important: If you don't have all Moodle courses created using the Moderation Portal, we recommend you don't enable the 'Scheduled Enrolment Sync'. The 'Scheduled Enrolment Sync' runs every hour on the hour and would email you with error message for all missing Moodle courses.

The Scheduled Enrolment Sync will happen in the background and a confirmation email will be sent to the  College Contact of the Moodle Connection, showing which new unit enrolments have been synced. Previously processed enrolments are not included in the email.