If a moderator sets the approval status for a UQAF to 're-submit', the UQAF creator and the primary contact of the college (if nominated) will be notified via email. 

The email includes a link to the 'Re-submit Form'. 

1) To re-submit a UQAF, use above link or go to the UQAF menu item 'UQAFs to be re-submitted' (https://moderation.actheology.edu.au/uqafs/UQAFs-to-be-re-submitted/)

2) Select the UQAF and click on 'Re-submit UQAF'

You can choose to deactivate a UQAF if the record is no longer relevant.

3) Make the required changes to the record and add a revision comment and/or upload an updated Unit Outline/supportive document.

4) Click on 'Re-submit UQAF'. This will send it back to the Moderator to review.