If available, choose the corresponding unit code and the most recent version of the UQAF. The clone will have the field values of the 'original UQAF' and will also show the delivery details and the moderator's comments of the 'original UQAF. The ideas is that it feeds back into the design of the new unit delivery.

To clone a UQAF, go to the list of all UQAFs (https://moderation.actheology.edu.au/uqafs/), find the relevant UQAF, using filters, sorting or search function.

1) click 'clone'.

2) Click on OK to confirm

Allow a few seconds for a new page to load.

3) A new page with the cloned record will open.

The top section (A) shows the details of the Original UQAF, including moderation comments.

The section (B) is fo the new UQAF. As all values have been cloned, please change the relevant fields (e.g. unit, word count, unit coordinator, dates, etc.). 

4) Complete the form. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. 

Refer to the article 'Required fields and data validation' for the validation logic behind fields.

5) Upon saving the new UQAF form, it is automatically saved for internal checking. The field 'select an internal UQAF checker' is a required field. Click on the lookup icon and select a user at your college. The UQAF creator can also be the UQAF checker. The UQAF checker will receive an email notification with a link to a list of saved UQAFs. 

The attachment is not required at this stage, but will need to be attached prior to submission on the UQAF checking form.

Click on 'Save for internal check'. The UQAF progresses to the next stage 'UQAF check' (https://moderation.actheology.edu.au/uqafs/check_uqafs/).