Moderators can add a note to a reviewed UQAF. The notes sections is enabled for UQAFs that haven't reached the unit end date yet. Adding a note will trigger an email notification to the moderator, the UQAF contact and the Primary Contact for College (if nominated). 

To add a note, sign in to the Moderation Portal (

scroll down to the section 'Reviewed UQAFs' and find the UQAF to which you would like to add a note.

1) Click on the arrow

2) Click on 'view details'

3) Scroll toward the bottom of the page and click on 'Add note'

4) Add your comments to the note section of the pop-up window.

5) Attach a file if necessary (e.g. updated Unit Outline)

6) Click on 'Add Note'  --> The note cannot be edited after it has been added.

7) An email notification is sent to the UQAF contact, Moderator and Primary Contact for College (if nominated).