To upload sample scripts, go to 'Moderated Units' (
1) Find the unit for which you would like to upload sample scripts, click on the arrow and select 'Upload moderation material'.
A new page will open with the unit details
A) Get the Unit Report Sheet via the link (Tip: open it in a new tab by using the middle mouse button).
Note: the link to the Unit Report Sheet is not visible to moderators as they don't have access to Paradigm.
Use the link to get the most recent version of the Unit Report Sheet and upload it.
2) Select 'add files'
Upload the Unit Report Sheet(s) and sample scripts
3) click on 'Choose File' a browsing window will open for you to select files on your computer. You can select multiple files at the same time.
IMPORTANT: There is a file size limit of 10MB per file. If a larger file needs to be uploaded, you can click on the link B. This is a direct link to your college's SharePoint folders.
Note: the folders are created automatically when the unit record is opened on the Moderation Portal. You can add the file to the SharePoint instance of the unit.
Once the files are uploaded to the SP folder, refresh the Moderation Portal page to see the files.
4) click on 'Add files'
5) Add script comments if required.
If there is more than a 10% variation between the averages of the moderation assessment item and the second highest weighted assessment item, provide an explanation of the discrepancy.
6. Indicate if the moderation material is complete
7. Select the college user that the moderator can contact for further information.
8 click Submit
Units that have the field 'moderation material is complete' set to 'yes'. move to the list 'Scripts complete'. Files can still be added to those units.
Watch the demonstration here: