1. Log into the course planner - https://planner.actheology.edu.au/
2. Click 'Students' at the top
3. Click view potential graduates at the bottom right
4. Use the filter on the status column to look at those with a completed and pending status (also make sure that you are seeing your college's students)
5. You should now be looking at a list of students from your college who have either completed all of the requirements of their course (status should be 'complete' but be mindful of those units that have not had their results released yet - check the third last column for this info) and the students who are enrolled in their final units of their course.
Note: You can click the 'Download CSV' button on the right just above the table to extract this list into an Excel document.
6. Please check this list against any other lists that you may have for your students who may be on track to finishing.
7. An AUT staff member will email out a list of potential graduates during the semester (mid-May for Semester 1, and mid-October for Semester 2) so that we can check that we are both on the same page.