Once a Form is submitted it passes through several stages and there is a related Form ‘Status’ (see diagram below). When a Form is created, either within Tickit (the ‘Kiosk’) or in a web browser (‘Online’), it enters Triage stage and Status = New. The Tickit user may then either ‘Confirm’ or ‘Reject’ the Form. Once confirmed, it has Status = Open and it can be managed, i.e. edited or supplemented with new information and saved. Documents can be added and removed in this stage. Once a college is satisfied with the content of the Form, it may be sent for Review, and Status will = Review. At this point, the college can view the form but cannot edit it further. The ACT office will typically review the content, may make comments in the Form, and, if everything is in order, close the Form. Once closed, the Form cannot be modified but can be re-opened and returned to the Manage stage if necessary. At Review stage, the ACT office may also return the Form to the Manage stage if further information is required. In such cases an email which includes the reason for its return will be sent to a college Tickit user (though a note for the ACT office: before returning the form to management, the responsible user must be changed to the college Tickit user).

To send a Form for Review:

  1. Go to the Tickit website and log in using your username and password - https://actheology.tod.net.au/login

  2. Under the ‘Forms’ tab, find the Form you want to send for review using the search function or by looking at the reported Forms below the ‘Search forms’ box. You can also access the Forms from the ‘Home’ tab under ‘My Actions’ (see below) if they have not yet been confirmed (i.e. Triage stage).

  3. Once you have opened the Form, you may check the content and open any attached documents. If the Form is OK, you may confirm it by pressing ‘Confirm Form’ at the bottom of the Form. You can make corrections or add information before you press ‘Confirm Form’, and these changes will be saved when you press ‘Confirm Form’. If you choose to make a comment this will be added to the Form Diary. You should not need to use the ‘Adjust’ button. You would ‘Reject’ the Form if it was submitted accidentally or is a duplicate submission.

  4. The Form is now in ‘Manage’ stage with Status ‘Open’. Changes can be made to the Form and saved. Once you are satisfied with the Form, you send it for review using the button top right (see below). It is now in Review stage, Status = Review, and the ACT will review the content of the Form. You can no longer edit the Form. It will be returned to Manage stage if something is lacking in the Form, or else closed. If at some time in the future you want to edit a previously submitted Form that is now closed, contact the ACT office and request that it be re-opened.

  5. Note that there is also the option to export a Form to PDF using the button top right.